Nice Date today huh, 05/06/07! My timetable is all hay-wire; My biological clock isn't functioning properly! And, that sucks! So much for being a year 2. Still remembered what those seniors (present year 3s) said, "Your timetable would be so packed till you wished you had the same for year1s where there are long breaks!" WHAT HOLY CRAPPY LOGIC IS THAT?!
For past weeks, that stupid timetable of mine had so many blanks in between! WTH! Yea, but one thing that they said coincides with mine - THERE ARE SO MANY FREAKING BLARDY REPORTS to be completed. Anyway, just two words to describe school and its modules - INTERESTINGLY BORING!~ except for... ... =D
My driving practical test would be on the 29/10. God bless me that I pass! lols.