This shall be my ultimatum, my aim. I want to sail around the earth, with you and our family. I will work hard. Even though I may not succeed, I want to give it my best shot, giving you my all. When I was at the berth, I could feel the breeze, taste the saltiness of the water, watching birds flying past. At that very point in time, I told myself, I want to be with you, till the end of time.
Left to Right: Hfz, Me, Thow, Wenyi, Constance, Camelia; Drummoyne, Birkenhead Point Wharf
This was how high above sea-level we were on our Coastal walk from Coogee to Bondi beach! Doesn't seem too intimidating right? Wait till you are here!
Sea birds!
This is what you do when it gets too cold, too windy or too hot!

Start of the coast-to-coast walk!
View of Coogee beach! One of the busiest beach in Sydney, Australia.
This is my path, the same path I would want to walk again with you. At the same time, same place, in future. See the house in the background to the left? Yes, that it shall be...
High above sea level! Nice and cool weather! We're lovin' it!