One day trip to Canberra, Australia Capital Territory. Every year in Spring, Canberra would hold her Flower Festival in Floriade. And every year, there would be a different theme.
Our Journey there... ...

Across: Bed of blooms, landscaped.

Left: Wenyi, Hafiz, Constance, Thow, Me; before we left Floriade.
I saw the ENTIRE rainbow bridge from point to point. It was a magnificent sight not to be missed. It's a pity you aren't with me. You would love this sight too girl! =D
"why are you not on the other side of the rainbow? we could have met in the middle, in the midst of eternal bliss up above."
A picture paints a thousand words... If you were here, you probably wouldn't bear to leave these sights behind. I hope to make it back there with you again, I really do. <3>