As the saying goes, "因果报应; 不是不报,只是时辰未到."
I realised that I can be quite ruthless and not have mercy on people who take advantage of situations and people who are unscrupulous.
I have ALWAYS stood by my principles. That is, for whatever gratitude I receive, I will repay in someway or other, sometime, some place. But even so, I still believe that there should be a boundary to how much I can repay. Let's say, if there is no end to repayment of gratitude, then won't an individual start taking advantage of situations? Well, this is already happening in today's life. I have already experienced these kind of situations.
Today is just a classic example. And what happened the other day is another situation that I have seen and experienced since secondary school till poly, my immersion programs to the U.S, University of New South Wales, Suzhou Industrial Park and during my course of work in UOB group. All that politicking and rough tides in life only made me stronger, mentally. Situations and calamities that I have never encountered before - I seem to be able to resolve it quite easily now.
Backtracking, that 2 girls from my school finally reap what they sowed. They have always been ripping off the hard work people put in, and always taking advantage of people. Since junior year, all the lab reports, projects and other assignments are either copied, or no effort put in at all group projects. One thing that they did not probably realise is that they are infamous in SBM. When Charlie Ng, lecturer from SBM, brought his students to SIPIVT, he has actually forewarned both Mdm Wong and his own students to be wary of them. I was from the same class when SCL and SBM did a merger for a Business module; and I have seen their "capabilities" and uproar they caused. I can affirmatively say that they are being ostracised for their uniqueness in backstabbing and taking advantage of people and situations.
It is a pity that they landed themselves in such a situation today. Despite all the years in poly, all they gained was probably the GPA, and that's that. They have almost ZERO EQ and perhaps their IQ can make it. The story goes... ...
Before the start of FYP in SIPIVT, we had a pre-briefing session. Then, I made the right move of excusing myself from the briefing with IFF. IFF is an international company based in the United States and they have regional offices worldwide. I did a company study on IFF before deciding if I should help those people in their project. I decided not to, even though it would look good on my Resume that I worked with IFF for marketing. I know, if I performed well in the study, I could probably rely on IFF in my career. However, the underlying reason lies with the both of them. I know how they function and how they work; they probably would just not do anything and of course, I am not one who is so irresponsible as not to complete the assignment with QUALITY and CONSCIENTIOUSNESS! Thus, I chose to give up a golden egg that is lying in front of me.
Those people are required to complete House surveys and survey forms. I remembered crystal clearly that they boasted that they will and able to finish all in the first 2 weeks of FYP. But look now? They cannot even complete 50% of what was expected! They spoke of how easy it was, how they could plan their schedules out, etc. Instead of completing the surveys themselves, they passed on the forms to their buddies and ask them to pass it on AGAIN. And House Visits, they depended so entirely on Mdm Wong instead of diligently looking for houses themselves. And look at what happen now? No one wants to lend them a hand, no body bothers to lift a finger at all...
One thing I will always remember, "Do not take things for granted; and, for everything that I do, always have contingencies."