Friday, February 06, 2009
Uni Applications
Thursday, January 15, 2009
No particular topic
7th January: NUS had it's undergraduate seminar. They sent a letter to students informing them; I was in Suzhou - FYPing! A string of "interesting" events at NUS. Firstly, went to the Faculty of Science talk. Incredible! 97 Poly students were admitted to FoS in 2008! So what's the total enrolment? A neat 1200! *I was like WTF!* Best part - they had the University Scholars Program. Then, there was this GIRL who came up to us and started promoting the USP and NUS. THEN, she asked me, "Are you from Tao Nan?" =/ This world is indeed SMALL! Apparently, we were from the same CCA, same cohort! -_-''' Nice one huh... So I went to check my yearbook after she gave me her name. Ok, great. There she was! haha... The next thing was I realised my friend in VJC knows her and is in the same cohort as her too! I was totaled lah! Never say Singapore is too big!
12th January: my blog was discovered, and so was the Forex part. I did the Foreign Exchange coverage once before I went to Australia. My predictions for the AUD were ACCURATE, ok? haha. If you look back, I did a prediction for a 3 month period and it really went to that rate. Of course, my coverage did not extend to Sep 08. Now, that was also when the AUD went rocket high and took a free-fall when US fell victim to the Credit cunch. So why did I mention that I was discovered? .... .... I was supposed to be in school that morning at the International Programs Office when I saw Mr Richard. "You making a lot of money hor?" And I was like, "huh?!" He added, "Your blog...", Me: "ok... haha" *i was thinking - omg. cover got blown!* Anyway, that was about it la. How often do you see a LIFE SCIENCE STUDENT being so interested in Investments and Financial Instruments? LOL!
14th January: I was supposedly to be doing my FYP, E-Case development. BUT, I was also logged on to SGX. =/ Frankly, buying into stocks can be quite risky if not enough homework have been done. But here again, who preempted the stupid sub-prime crisis? Total value of Investments droped 66% over the past year! I am so pissed! Now, is to hold and wait for a market recovery which could possibly happen in 3 to 5 years... FOOL!
So what was I doing on SGX while doing my E-Case? haha... I was looking for some quick moving counters that I had 80% confidence in. Some contra activities, people! That's basically selling off outstanding positions before they were due. Neat! 2 hours earned my mum SGD350 (after deducting all the misc charges)... Well, this does not happen everytime. It's basically luck and some market movements observations. That was for Keppel Corporation. Next one I am eyeing is DBS Bank. Past 5 year graphs reflected a lowest of SGD8 per share. Now, its SGD8.09. Theoretically, it should be safe to go in since the share is at it's support line. BUT, it's still early to say. US Trade deficit is hitting history's highest, more bailouts from the Fed, etc. Can't really predict much in this highly volatile environment. Another is Singapore Petroleum (SPC). Now trading at a third of its actual trading value. Great buy, definitely. But must be prepared to hold. Oil prices and demands are very low now, but SPC has diversified business to sustain it's growth. As the saying goes, what goes up must come down, vice versa. It is only a matter of time.
Secondly, I am also looking at Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar Fixed deposits. Previously, both high-yielding currencies had interest rates of 6 to 8% p.a. The rates now are low, but I guess, still not low enough to enter. There is a difference if one buys hard currencies and sells them off at a higher price and one who buys into ForEx using the bank's Foreign Currency Fixed Deposits (FCFD). Interest rates now lie at a low 3.5% on average, and it would still decline if both currencies depreciates. Well, AU and NZ are highly dependent on commodities and trade exports. World slows, they slow. So I am just waiting again. I have seen statistics of 20 year ForEx rates from the governements and IF AUD and NZD drops to lowest of 0.90 and 0.68 respectively, I am IN!
What I am looking at now or my objectives now is not only Capital preservation but also seek regular income from Unit Trusts and Structured Deposits. However, both are non-performers now. I would recommend, if you want to go into SD, might as well go and put your savings into Maybank's iSavvy account which earns up to 1.38% p.a. It is infact better even though most SD now offers up to 1.8%p.a. At least, your investments are not frozen!
I think that is all for the investments part. Next is my uni application.
People ask, why am I doing so much of active investments? Well, if you understand inflation and currency depreciation, you would understand my actions. I have to save for my University fees and my misc. spending. As it is, I am not a big spender and a tight controller of my own finances. I have to plan for rainy days, and in the event I do not make it to local universities, I have contingencies to go overseas! Anyway, I submitted for application to SMU and come Feb, to NUS and NTU.
NUS: Business Admin (Accounting), Business Admin, Economics, Political Science, BSc Biology
NTU: Accounting, Business Mgmt, Economics, Biological Sciences, Education
I am still seeking opinions on whether to put Business Mgmt or Accounting as first choice. And, I also don't know if I even stand a chance in securing a place with them. But, instead of worrying, might as well just submit and wait for the results. There are SO many people who's GPA are way higher than mine. zzz....
Ok, that's enough for now... Till next time!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
First Update since I arrived in China
I realised that I can be quite ruthless and not have mercy on people who take advantage of situations and people who are unscrupulous.
I have ALWAYS stood by my principles. That is, for whatever gratitude I receive, I will repay in someway or other, sometime, some place. But even so, I still believe that there should be a boundary to how much I can repay. Let's say, if there is no end to repayment of gratitude, then won't an individual start taking advantage of situations? Well, this is already happening in today's life. I have already experienced these kind of situations.
Today is just a classic example. And what happened the other day is another situation that I have seen and experienced since secondary school till poly, my immersion programs to the U.S, University of New South Wales, Suzhou Industrial Park and during my course of work in UOB group. All that politicking and rough tides in life only made me stronger, mentally. Situations and calamities that I have never encountered before - I seem to be able to resolve it quite easily now.
Backtracking, that 2 girls from my school finally reap what they sowed. They have always been ripping off the hard work people put in, and always taking advantage of people. Since junior year, all the lab reports, projects and other assignments are either copied, or no effort put in at all group projects. One thing that they did not probably realise is that they are infamous in SBM. When Charlie Ng, lecturer from SBM, brought his students to SIPIVT, he has actually forewarned both Mdm Wong and his own students to be wary of them. I was from the same class when SCL and SBM did a merger for a Business module; and I have seen their "capabilities" and uproar they caused. I can affirmatively say that they are being ostracised for their uniqueness in backstabbing and taking advantage of people and situations.
It is a pity that they landed themselves in such a situation today. Despite all the years in poly, all they gained was probably the GPA, and that's that. They have almost ZERO EQ and perhaps their IQ can make it. The story goes... ...
Before the start of FYP in SIPIVT, we had a pre-briefing session. Then, I made the right move of excusing myself from the briefing with IFF. IFF is an international company based in the United States and they have regional offices worldwide. I did a company study on IFF before deciding if I should help those people in their project. I decided not to, even though it would look good on my Resume that I worked with IFF for marketing. I know, if I performed well in the study, I could probably rely on IFF in my career. However, the underlying reason lies with the both of them. I know how they function and how they work; they probably would just not do anything and of course, I am not one who is so irresponsible as not to complete the assignment with QUALITY and CONSCIENTIOUSNESS! Thus, I chose to give up a golden egg that is lying in front of me.
Those people are required to complete House surveys and survey forms. I remembered crystal clearly that they boasted that they will and able to finish all in the first 2 weeks of FYP. But look now? They cannot even complete 50% of what was expected! They spoke of how easy it was, how they could plan their schedules out, etc. Instead of completing the surveys themselves, they passed on the forms to their buddies and ask them to pass it on AGAIN. And House Visits, they depended so entirely on Mdm Wong instead of diligently looking for houses themselves. And look at what happen now? No one wants to lend them a hand, no body bothers to lift a finger at all...
One thing I will always remember, "Do not take things for granted; and, for everything that I do, always have contingencies."
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Overseas again
I like the Australian and U.S cultures. They aren't like hypocrites. They enjoy the freedom of speech and thoughts, though politically correct. They will tell people if they are doing the wrong things, and will tell them off if they refuse to listen or act dumb, etc.
Thoughout the trip to U.S.A, I made good friends, friends till date. They might be younger, sec4, but what they have is the mature mind (comparing to now!). To Sydney, I made friends that one would never expect; the PhD students, Post-Docs, Honours students, etc... In China, I think I would retract my words. The people here are very friendly, very nice and hmmm... Be here to know.
Throughout my trips overseas, I have met many different people, experienced different cultures, lifestyles and attitudes. I can safely say, and affirmatively, this is the worst one. Why? First, look at who is with us. I ain't referring to SEG people or the China students; and if you haven't get what I mean, bang your head on the wall! First, some people want to act like royalties, always bitching around, etc. Totally unbearable. For one, I cannot stand people who act cute or act blur just to attract attention. You could say, I am one who tolerates no nonsense when it ain't time for shit work. If you are genuinely innocent, and unclear about things, ASK! Don't act cute and make that kind of voice that is enough to break the surrounding glasses! zzz...
Till then!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
MBTI Personality Questionaire
Trait | Raw Percentage | |
Openness | 73% | |
Conscientiousness | 80% | |
Extraversion | 80% | |
Agreeableness | 48% | |
Neuroticism | 44% |
Last updated on: 20 November 2008 (Update Now) | Answered 100/100 questions |
Trait Explanations
In order to interpret your raw percentages, they were compared to the first 350,000 people to complete the full MyPersonality Big Five questionnaire. This allows the way that you described yourself to be put in the context of how other people respond to the questionnaire. You should remember that there are no fundamentally good or bad personalities, as each trait description has potential advantages and disadvantages. To help you reflect on these, you have also been given some questions which ask you to consider the implications of your trait descriptions. Other people viewing your personality profile will not be able to see these.
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 54% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is aware of their feelings but doesn't get carried away with their imagination either. You might say that you embrace change when it is necessary while still resisting it when you think it is not, and that beauty is important to you, but it's not everything.
Reflective question: When do you think that tradition is important, and when is it time for change?
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 88.5% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is a perfectionist. From your responses it appears that you prefer to plan everything to the last detail, which has consequently led to you being very successful and extremely reliable. From your responses it appears that more than most you enjoy seeing your long-term plans come to fruition.
Reflective question: How does being in an untidy environment make you feel?
This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 84.1% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is constantly energetic, exuberant and active. Your answers describe you as someone who aims to be the centre of attention at social occasions, asserts yourself when in groups, and usually says, "Yes!"
Reflective question: Do you prefer to be busy all the time? Why?
This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 16% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is willing to make difficult decisions when necessary, and will point out when something is wrong no matter what other people might feel. Your responses suggest that you would say that you can be tough and uncompromising.
Reflective question: When others are experiencing problems, what do you do?
Neuroticism (Emotional stability)
This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life's demands. Approximately 54% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is generally calm. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who can feel emotional or stressed out by some experiences, however your feelings tend to be warranted by the situation.
Reflective question: Which situations make you feel under pressure and which situations do not?
Research has found that the Big Five personality traits are significantly related to Jungian Typology (e.g. the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). This is a popular alternative personality framework regularly used for personal development, in which Types are used rather than Traits. Based on your Big Five trait scores, your estimated Type is shown below (if you have already taken a Jungian Typology test and got a different result, this can be changed from the More Options section).
ESTJExtraverted Sensing Thinking JudgingESTJs are civic-minded individuals who dedicate themselves to maintaining the institutions behind a smooth-running society. They are defenders of the status quo and strong believers in rules and procedures. ESTJs are outgoing and do not hesitate to communicate their opinions and expectations to others. ESTJs are practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics. Though they are not interested in subjects they see no use for, they can apply themselves when necessary. They like to organize and run activities. ESTJs promote the work ethic. Power, position and prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness is rarely viewed with ambivalence nor benevolence by this type. |
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
pissed off.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
They say, “It’s the faithful who knows the trivial side of Love; it’s the faithless who knows Love’s tragedies.” What does this statement reflect? By the way, I was looking through Reader’s Digest when I chanced upon this.
So what if the faithless knows Love’s tragedies; what is the big deal? Even after knowing Love’s tragedies, can you even reverse / undo the situation? Face it. What has happened already happened. They always say, “Learn from Experience”. What crap! So what if I have learnt? Can I go back to the past? I wished all that did not even happen. I have been living in the shadows of the past since x years ago. That remained a fact. I presume I have hidden my true self relatively well. I have performed relatively well in School, Work and even socially. However, who would know the truth behind all this? I guess, only I know. People – my friends, lecturers, acquaintances – they view me as a strong individual. I had no problems dealing with situations and I was adaptable to things around me, given time. They have high expectations of me and whatever I do. Having said all that? Would they know that I am just another individual who have my ups and downs. I make mistakes too. I have emotions as well.
I made this mistake. A mistake that was never meant to be; never in my life had I been so blinded, so fooled by the beautiful side of a relationship. Yes, even though it didn’t work out in the end, the time and phase of that relationship made me sink in even further. But at least, not until I met her. To me, she was a paragon of virtue, an epitome of perfection. I didn’t really bother what people had to say about her. To another, she wasn’t any fairy from heaven; but to me, she was even better than that. At least I knew, she was there for me – at the time when I was at my rock-bottom, to grace me, to be my pillar of support. I am grateful for all that she has done for me. She might not think so, but this is always the case. Whatever you have done for somebody else, you might think nothing of it. But to that person receiving it, it means the world to him. She was an individual that I would do anything for her – within reasonable means. Almost every other night, as I lay down, eyes closed – all I could see was images of the past. And each time, deep regret fills me, tears trickled. I thought to myself, why didn’t I see the facts that remained so clear to me x years ago? Why was I so blinded, so stupid? Why did I not find out what she felt that time? That’s what I hate. From acquaintances to friends to good friends and now this. Truthfully, I am afraid, very afraid. I do not want to lose this friendship. I don’t want things to turn awkward if it really did not work out; even though I personally feel that it would not reach that stage. I have reached this point in life, and I dare to say, I have seen and experienced things that many people claim that they have too, but theoretically only.
I am in Sydney, with my friends. But that feeling is so different. Just a week ago, we were heading up to Canberra from Sydney by a CountryLink train. During the journey, I saw sights. Sights that pictured my ideal kind of life; to spend the rest of my life there with my family and you. To lie back on those lush greeneries, scenic views that money cannot buy - that countryside lifestyle. At that very point, all I could was wished that you were here with me. You have very much loved the same kind of life that I would love to lead; we could possibly do that, till the end of time. And do you know that, all my days in Sydney – all those places I went, those sceneries, the environment – how I wished you were here, even if it was just for a day.
Friday, October 10, 2008
不要问, 不要说, 一切尽在不言中. 这一刻, 偎著烛光, 让我们静静的渡过.
莫挥手, 莫回头; 当我唱起这首歌, 怕只怕, 泪水轻轻的滑落.
愿心中, 永远留著我的笑容; 伴你走过每一个春夏秋冬.
几许愁, 几许忧, 人生难免苦与痛.
失 去 过 才 能 真 正 懂 得 去 珍 惜 和 拥 有
情难舍, 人难留; 今朝一别各西东.
冷和热, 点点滴滴在心头.
愿心中, 永远留著我的笑容. 伴你走过每一个春夏秋冬.
伤离别, 离别虽然在眼前. 说再见, 再见不会太遥远.
若 有 缘, 有 缘 就 能 期 待 明 天.
你和我, 重逢在灿烂的季节.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Coogee to Bondi Beach

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Trip to Canberra, Floriade. (ACT, Australia)

Thursday, October 02, 2008
University Life
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ask me, what have I done during the first 4 weeks?
1. Movies, Movies and more Movies!
2. Watching the Foreign Exchange Rates and Stock Exchange
3. Sleeping
Is this my life? I suddenly miss studying! =D
To those who intend and is determined to go to Australia for further studies, you are advised to change SGD to Au$ within the next 3 months.
Reason? Simple. Due to the US Sub-Prime Crisis, currencies and countries that are pegged against the USD have fallen by approximately SGD0.20. Singapore Dollar still maintains its stronghold though GDP is expected to be lower than last year. Au$, similarly still maintains its strong rate against SGD, with the min/max of 1.21/1.37 for the past 9 months.
Au$ is expected to buffer within the rage 1.25 to 1.30 within the next 3 to 6 months. Depending onthe amount of SGD you want to change, the rates are sometimes negotiable.
Example: If I want to change SGD3000 to AUD, and the ForEx rate is 1.30, then I would receive Au$ 2307.70. If I want to change SGD3000 to AUD, and the ForEx rate is 1.25, then I would receive Au$ 2400. The difference of SGD0.05 is Au$ 92.30!
From now till End August 2008, I would be able to help you all who wants/is going/strongly intend to go to Australia for the 3 month IAP, capitalise on the Exchange Rate.
Even if you do not have the funds to change currencies now, DON'T WORRY! I will extend a loan* quantum to you, based on your family's income capabilities.
To find out more, click here!
Labels: financial stuffs, investments, loans
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
E.g. If my GPA this semester (1) is 3.000, and the next semester (2) I score 3.929 - just for that semester of a total of 28 Credits, my GPA would only increase 0.159+. Then if semester (3) I score the same as (2), my GPA would only increase 0.0795! There goes on and on. That means, there is NO way to leap the GPA, unless, the total Credits is being increased to 56!
* The problem here is, I did not score 3.929! =( *
Quite surprised and also disappointed when I saw the SMS.
First thing I wanted to look at is Marketing. Shit Crap! I scored a grade lower than the previous semester! How was that possible! Anyway, I expected it since I could estimate how much marks I lost.
Molecular Genetics. This is a mad subject. I needed to score 85% in order to get an A for overall. But I guess I did not score even 75%!
BPT - a godlike subject. I failed to preempt this. Scored lower than what I expected.
Next, Bioinformatics. Didn't expect that grade either. Especially when the lab reports that weighed 50% were all screwed and done in the most haphazard way. Most importantly, I never paid attention or even if I did, I could not understand the lectures. And, also fooling around during Practicals!
Protein Technology - Didn't do up to expectations for the paper and entire module. But I got a grade higher than what I actually projected.
Immunology - I got myself screwed and confused during the paper. Especially the last section. Confused between Mast Cells and Eosinophils! Holy Cow! arigh! But similarly, I got half a grade higher than expected.
Whatever it is, guess I just have to work harder the next semester. Or should I say, the final semester? Hmmm... ...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
*Some of the results for Projects / Lab reports are not furbished. So Forecast has been pegged based on history's average.*
% of Passing: 100
% of scoring B and above: 50
% of scoring A: 25
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 60%
Bioprocess Technology - Not to scale. Not all results released.
% of Passing: 80
% of scoring B and above: 35
% of scoring A: 10
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 110%
Protein Technology - Not to scale. Not all results released.
% of Passing: 100
% of scoring B and above: 50
% of scoring A: 20
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 95%
MolGen - Not to scale. Not all results released
% of Passing: 95
% of scoring B and above: 50
% of scoring A: 0
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 96%
Medical Microbiology-
% of Passing: 100
% of scoring B and above: 50
% of scoring A: 40
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 85%
Bioinformatics- I SCREWED THIS~
% of Passing: 70
% of scoring B and above: 20
% of scoring A: 00000000000000
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 120%
Marketing - Not to scale. Not all results released.
% of Passing: 100
% of scoring B and above: 60
% of scoring A: 50
How much to score in Finals to get a B and Up: +/- 90%
P/s: If you wanna know how to calculate, or how to forecast, tell me. Lols. BUT DON'T ASK ME TO GIVE YOU THE EXCEL SHEET! I took pains doing that. lols.
NOTICE: No updates till End Feb-08.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
At the very least, I treat things with sincerely. If I am not interested to do, I won't do. What's the point in asking me to do the things that I am reluctant to - I won't give my best. Help - To me, I don't help everyone. But I help people who are worth helping. Why? The reason is simple. If I were to help everyone, then I will definitely get some who are hypocrites who are friends only when needed. In this way, I get to see who are friends, true friends, and fair-weathered fairs. In my 2 years of Poly life, I have seen many. And many is the word. It won't be easy gaining my trust, and when you have that, all I can say is Don't betray it.
True Friends - I can do anything and everything for them. From the slightest thing to even when the sky collapses. It's spontaneous. I don't need to be told what to do but yet, I know what to do when situation arises. It's a sad thing. In my life to date, I have many friends, even more fair-weathered friends, and less than a handful of true friends. People can say I am pathetic, but you know what? I don't need so many; I just need quality over quantity. That's my style.
Next, people will then ask, How do I know if a person is a True Friend, or whatever? The answer is simple. Very simple. In my context, I have a true friend. She has known me for just a mere 2 years plus. But yet, She is an ultimate example. You don't have to know a person long to know the opposite's true colours. All you just need to do is to stand on a 3rd party's perspective, observe, think and relate. Do it with no emotions involved. Trust me, if I am able to do it, anyone will be able to either.
The next part - Relationships. I think William How would definitely make a great mentor. At least, he does things in a holistic manner. In the sense, he not only teaches us the academic stuffs, he teaches us life-lessons too. Seriously, he has my respect.
I came home, thinking about what he said (instead of studying =X). He said that relationships are much more difficult than studying. To me, I take that with a pinch of salt. I think differently. The reason why? It's for me to know; for you to find out. After all that he had said, I thought to myself, "perhaps she isn't really the one for me."
That's true. I don't even think we are compatable in any sense. Based on my previous post, I seriously think that she may fit my criteria, but I definitely will not fit hers. With that, I think I should really forget and let go. A forced and coerced relationship is just as good as opening your heart and then slicing it into pieces. That's not me! No Way! I cannot bring myself to do such a thing!
There's this girl, I told her my feelings; vice versa. We shared a common consensus - everything and anything. I would rather believe that she is the one for me. Why did I say that? I am willing to go the extremes for her, and she did for me too. She knows what is on my mind - always. She knows my troubles - everytime, without me saying. She knows my personality, character and style of doing and handling things - forever. I think enough had been said.
Last but not least, above all else, she still has a place in my heart and mind. But whether or not we would be together, only time and fate will tell... Providence would decree.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Valentine's Day is arriving in just another week or so. Let me update now, cos I won't be looking here until March 08! =X
Valentine's is just not the day of Love, but also, celebrating and sharing Love. Be it family, friends, or your significant... It has been a long time since I remembered the significance of this day. Ever since after I met you, I recalled its significance, but there will be no chance for this day to be celebrated. No doubt, you are a great girl.
It wasn't easy. People said my expectations were high, of myself and my significant other. But what they said; are my expectations really high. I believe everyone's character has 2 sides. For myself, it is the same. I have both characters too; it's only that those who do not know me well enough do not discover them.
If you think I am just a rough and straight-forward person; think again, I have gotten things accomplished and to everyone's satisfaction.
If you think I am just a crude and short-tempered person; think again, I have to protect interests of myself and all around me.
If you think I am just a normal-guy-next-door; think again, I have done the extremes in relationships.
If you think I am a strong-headed and determined person; think again, there are times which I fall really hard too.
If you think I am a person who think too much; think again, it's all because I Love You so.
If you think I am a person who is over-sensitive and possessive; think again, I was so afraid to lose you.
If you think I am a person who gets jealous easily; think again, would I do all that if you were just a normal friend to me?
If anyone of you think that I am hard-hearted and nonchalant; think again, I have my softer sides too.
I really do not know. You are a great girl. I met you since day one during orientation. I found this keen resemblence in you. I got to know you. From accquaintances to normal friends. Do you know, everytime you talk to me, I try to remain nonchalant by treating you as a normal friend. Why? I told myself, I must hide my feelings. I must not let it be known and shown.
It is because I was too scared to EVEN lose you as a friend. No matter how much feelings I have for you, I will still hide it from you. I am afraid to let you know. I don't want to imagine the day where we have to treat each other as strangers. Let's just allow things to remain status quo.
To all my ATTACHED Friends, Buddies, Enemies, whatever:
You have my utmost blessings this Valentine's and the many more to come. Treasure those with you, and don't ever live to regret. Live to Love; Love to Live!
To all my SINGLE Friends, Buddies, Enemies, whatever:
I know you can do better than that! =D Let your dreams fulfill, Let your aspirations fly! A dream can become reality when you set your mind to pursue it. Tell the ones you love - your love for them. Work your way up to building a fruitful and fulfilling relationship. It ain't easy, but when you are there, you will see, the world is celebrating for and with you.
You see things and you ask, "Why?"
But I dream things that never were and ask, "Why Not?"
Sunday, January 13, 2008
When you were born into this world
Your mom and dad saw a dream fulfilled
Dream come true, the answer to their prayers
You were to them a special child
Gave 'em joy every time you smiled
Each time you cried, they're at your side to care
Child, you don't know, you'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give
To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you here
How many seasons came and went
So many years have now been spent
For time ran fast and now at last you're strong
Now what has gotten over you
You seem to hate your parents too
Do speak out your mind, why do you find them wrong
Child you don't know, you'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give
To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you near
And now your path has gone astray
Child you ain't sure what to do or say
You're so alone, no friends are on your side
And child you now break down in tears
Let them drive away your fears
Where must you go, their arms stay open wide
Child you don't know, you'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can giveT
o see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you here
Child you don't know, you'll never know how far they'd go
To give you all their love can give
To see you through and God it's true
They'd die for you, if they must, to see you here
Thursday, January 03, 2008
If we think we are good or the best, don't forget, there is always someone better.
Monday, December 24, 2007
In every individual lies an innate personality. This personality is probably what attracts that person as a Friend, a Good Friend, a Best Friend, or perhaps, even falling for that person. What I think is that personalities are like magnets - except that opposites may or may not attract. That is, personalities determines if people can get along with each other, and to what extent.
During the 2 weeks vacation, (although I have loads of projects and reports which I have not started) I was able to get a reasonably peaceful sleep at night. However, I would somehow, dream of this particular person. This happened not once nor twice, but multiple times. I seriously do not know why this happens. It is because of Memory or Dreams?
A dream is a hallucinatory experience involving a sequence of images, sounds, ideas, emotions, or other sensations usually during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible, or unlikely to occur, in physical reality: they are also usually outside the control of the dreamer. The exception to this is known as lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their dream environment and controlling various aspects of the dream. The dream environment is often much more realistic in a lucid dream, and the senses heightened.
I have this dream. I wished dreams could become reality. It seemed like eternal bliss even with a simple background setting and just the two of us at a beach. There seemed so many other people; so near but yet so far. All that resounded in our ears are just our voices and nature’s echoes.
The beautiful sunset, a calm sea with waves soothing the mental boy, those ever-so-fine and soft sand on the shore. Lying beside each other, listening to the resounding voices of nature; and as night falls, gazing at those oh-so-bright stars. What more can I ask for? A place far away from civilization, so blissful, where everything, every event seemed so innocent and pure.
All that – would be gone as soon as the sun rises and it’s time to get up and start the day. It is rarely that I could remember dreams so avidly with concise details. I must say, this is ONE dream, all the intricate details etched into my mind even after so long.
I must admit, I have liked this person; perhaps as a good friend. We seem to be able to talk about almost everything. But the thought of us being together never crossed my mind. My expectations aren’t high; but most of them are based on practicality.
Is this why I am having this recurring dream? Is it because I am not able to get her out of my mind? Is it the footprint she has left in my life?
Maybe, perhaps, this is. We met, that was Fate. We are Friends, which is Destiny. Our lives, with Fate but without Destiny… …